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Security Services


To ensure the safety and security of our residents, we contracted with ALLIED UNIVERSAL SECURITY SERVICES to provide live patrol and on-call dispatch services.  Allied Universal performs at least three (3) daily random patrols within the community. 




Services are also available on a call-in basis through the Dispatch Line (916) 426-5278.



When you call for services, be sure to advise the dispatcher that you are calling from the Hamptons Community (not Hampton Village – a neighboring community).  You may also ask the dispatcher to have the responding officer call you back with a status update.




  • The streets within the Hamptons, including the Alleys, are public roads. As such, the City of Sacramento has primary jurisdiction to enforce rules or address issues that occur therein. If you need to report issues related to our streets and/or street parking, please visit the Homeowner Resource page of our website for links to the various city departments for further information and assistance.


  • Some homes within the community that are located in clusters have a common entryway known as “Courts”. These courts are private Association property and must remain unblocked to ensure unimpeded access to residents’ garages. As such, no parking is permitted in the Courts, including the adjacent “driveway aprons” (mini driveways). Vehicles that violate this rule are subject to towing.


  • Allied Universal and the Hamptons Safety & Security Committee have been instructed to actively monitor the community, including the public roads. Our security company and the Committee work actively with various city departments such as the Sacramento Police, Sacramento Fire, Parking Enforcement, Code Enforcement, Solid Waste, and Traffic Engineering to report issues under each department’s respective jurisdiction.


  • Common issues that are monitored in our community include abandoned vehicles, illegally parked vehicles, commercial vehicles parked on residential streets, vehicles performing “donuts”, illegal dumping, and illegal camping. Another common complaint that is monitored and investigated is the presence of vehicles or other property that is prohibited by community rules from being parked in the community beyond the allowed time frame (usually no more than 48 hours). Examples are RVs, boats, and other watercraft.



While the Association has contracted with a private security patrol service and installed license plate reader (LPR) cameras within the community, the Association’s duty does not include security or privacy for the property, the owners, the residents, any invitees, or any person or property located within the development.  Nor does the Association make any representations or warranties concerning security, privacy and/or safety of the property, the owners, the residents, any invitees or persons or property located within the development.


Regardless of whether there are safety and security resources installed and available within the development, owners, residents, or guests should provide for their own security by taking common sense precautions such as carrying insurance against loss; keeping doors locked; refusing to open doors to strangers; being aware of your surroundings; asking workers for identification; installing your own security system; locking your car; keeping valuables from being observed, etc.

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