The Hamptons Owners Association elects five (5) homeowners to the Board of Directors. Each board member serves a two-year term. Elections are held annually in the summer for two or three positions. Board members serve as unpaid volunteers to carry out the business of the Association.
Homeowners are encouraged to attend the monthly Open Session meeting of the Board (see below for details).
Ed Perez

To contact the Board: If you wish to send comments to the Board, please email the Property Manager (Landmark Limited) who then will forward it to the Board of Directors. Email your comments to: hamptons@landmarklimited.net
To see more of how to contact the property manager, click here.
BOARD MEETINGS: The Board meets at least quarterly. The meeting is open to all members. The Board meets in closed executive session to conduct member disciplinary hearings, to discuss potential litigation, contractual issues, or personnel issues. Visit our calendar for the dates of upcoming meetings.
NOTE: Due to the current COVID-19 public health emergency, all Association meetings are being conducted via Zoom video conference.

Janine Olsen
Director at Large

Romer Cristobal

Bayar-Undral Tsenddorj